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学术诚信是银河电子游戏网址平台大学生活和经历的基础. 银河电子游戏网址平台学院社区的所有成员都有责任共同努力,建立和维护一个有利于光荣的学术努力的环境. 在任何情况下都不能容忍学术上的不诚实. 教员怀疑学术不诚实的情况下, 教员应:

  • 直接与涉嫌违规的学生讨论.  由教师或学生自行决定, the school dean, 在讨论过程中,系主任或教员同事可以作为证人出席.
  • 将有关资料复印后,交回学生作批改或修订.
  • 与系主任讨论可疑的违规行为和书面证据, 院长或同事,如果需要学院的建议. 在所有此类情况下,必须保护所涉及学生的隐私.
  • Make a decision based on the evidence and determine appropriate sanctions; sanctions may include warning the student, 或者减少一个任务, exam, or course grade; if sanctions are imposed, 与学生讨论这些问题以及申诉过程.
  • 如果学生被发现违反了学术诚信政策, 应书面通知教务长. 该文件应包括:课程信息, 所涉及的教员, and the student(s) involved; the time and date of the incident, and a description of the incident and any evidence that indicates an infraction of academic integrity; 任何制裁措施 by the faculty member in response to this incident; and a confirmation that the faculty member has discussed with the student the incident, 任何制裁措施, 以及学生对教师的决定提出上诉的权利.

学术欺诈包括, 但不限于, 以下是:作弊, 未经授权的合作, plagiarism, fabrication, 多个提交, 协助和教唆; 

  • Cheating: using or providing unauthorized information or aids on any examination or other graded assignment; altering a graded work prior to its return to a faculty member; doing another’s work or allowing another person to do one’s work, 并提交评分;
  • 未经授权的合作和另一个人一起做一个项目, assignment, examination, tests, or quiz, 除非导师规定了合作作业;
  • Plagiarism提交部分或全部不是自己作品的材料,但未适当注明其内容的来源;
  • Fabrication捏造或伪造信息, data, or citations; altering or creating any document or record affecting the grade or academic standing of oneself or others;
  • 多个提交:未经导师事先许可,在一门以上的课程中提交相同或基本相似的论文或课程作业以获得学分;
  • 协助及教唆:提供材料, information, or other assistance which violates any of the above standards for academic integrity; providing false information in connection with any inquiry regarding “academic integrity”;



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