Dr. Brian Jory teaching a Family Studies class

Family Studies

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Family Studies applies scientific methods to intimacy, sexuality, love, marriage, parenting, and caregiving. Students can expect to improve their own relationships while learning to respect diverse practices around the world. The Family Studies minor complements all majors, but especially those who expect to go into human service professions such as counseling, psychology, social work, medicine, sociology, communications, business, and teacher education. Students declare the minor through their academic advisor.

Minor Requirements (18 hours):

  • FAM 230 - Marriage and Family 3-0-3
  • FAM 300 - Family Strengths and Resilience 3-0-3
  • FAM 330 I - Family Problems and Interventions 3-0-3
  • FAM 400 – Love and Intimacy – Global Perspectives 3-0-3
  • FAM 440 – Children in Families 3-0-3
  • PSY 221 - Life-Span Developmental Psychology 3-0-3

In addition to the required courses, students may enroll for up to 12 credits of FAM 496 – Internship in Family Studies with permission of the Director of Family Studies, Dr. Brian Jory, bjory@wjqklgz.com.

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